The Radio Sun

Radio Observations
of Gyroresonance Emission
from Coronal Magnetic Fields

Gyroresonance emission

Gyroresonance opacity at low harmonics

Model sunspot gyroresonance layers

Model sunspot: positive temperature gradient

Model sunspot: peaked temperature gradient

Spatially varying gyroresonance spectra

Radio emission from a sunspot

Radio profiles of a sunspot vs frequency

Radio sunspot variability: 3 hour maps

Radio sunspot variability: 3 hour maps

Coronal magnetography

Active regions at different radio frequencies

Active regions at different radio frequencies

Radio emission from complex regions

Coronal magnetography

Tests of magnetic field extrapolations

Coronal magnetic fields: intrinsically 3D

Radio tests of magnetic field extrapolations

The pipe dream:
3D deconvolution of coronal fields

What frequency resolution do we need?

Active regions at different radio frequencies

Coronal magnetograms

Gyroresonance layers

Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?

Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?

Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?

Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?

Evolution of photospheric field (MDI)

Radio evolution of  pore

Polarization at low frequencies: origin?

Polarization at low frequencies: origin?

Routine FASR products

Gyroresonance measurements: FASR issues

The Radio Sun

Magnitude of B and line-of-sight direction