Radio Observations
of Gyroresonance Emission
from Coronal Magnetic Fields
Gyroresonance opacity at low harmonics
Model sunspot gyroresonance layers
Model sunspot: positive temperature gradient
Model sunspot: peaked temperature gradient
Spatially varying gyroresonance spectra
Radio profiles of a sunspot vs frequency
Radio sunspot variability: 3 hour maps
Radio sunspot variability: 3 hour maps
Active regions at different radio frequencies
Active regions at different radio frequencies
Radio emission from complex regions
Tests of magnetic field extrapolations
Coronal magnetic fields: intrinsically 3D
Radio tests of magnetic field extrapolations
The pipe dream:
3D deconvolution of coronal fields
What frequency resolution do we need?
Active regions at different radio frequencies
Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?
Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?
Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?
Sunspot oscillations: where is the corona?
Evolution of photospheric field (MDI)
Polarization at low frequencies: origin?
Polarization at low frequencies: origin?