at low frequencies
•The NSF will only fund FASR if the US solar community tells them to. In order to
achieve FASR, we have to persuade, primarily, the US solar community that it is a project that will be useful to them
•For this reason we
will make it as easy as possible for everyone to use FASR data: this means providing images on demand
•Original version
of FASR started at 500 MHz for several
reasons: - we
thought that 500 – 20000 MHz might be technically feasible with a single set of telescopes with a
reasonable budget - we
had two strong science goals (flares and coronal magnetic fields) that could be addressed with this
range -
little interest in lower frequencies in the US: lack of relevance to main science themes in US solar
•Frequency ranges: 2 –
20 GHz: coronal magnetic fields 2 –
30 GHz: flare gyrosynchrotron emission
0.5 – 1 GHz: decimeter emission (no imaging)