Space Weather with FASR
• Thermal imaging of prominences: > 10 GHz; but what’s new?
• Gyrosynchrotron from CMEs: 100 – 400 MHz; better than LASCO?
• Thermal emission from CMEs at 100 – 1000 MHz
• Thermal emission from CMEs at 10 - 20 GHz (April 18)?
• Disk observations of these phenomena not available from coronagraphs
• History of energetic particle acceleration/energy release through the
corona from low to high heights
• Decimetric signatures of CMEs or particle events – known to Monique?
• Type II bursts: < 100 MHz; but is there a direct connection to SW?
• Type IIIl events: < 100 MHz; possible relation to SEPs
• Moving Type IV events: < 100 MHz; possible relation to CMEs
• Measurements of Bz in eruptive prominences: > 10 GHz; not
• Coronal holes at high frequencies: what is different from SXR/10830?
Are the puzzling radio properties related to fast streams?