Solar Calibration Strategies
Gordon Hurford
UC Berkeley
FASR Workshop           Green Bank              25 May 2002

Calibration Classes
“Fixed” pre-observation calibrations
Relative amplitudes, phases
Baselines, pointing, etc
Time-dependent “Daily” calibrations
Time-dependent gain
Time-dependent phases
Interference survey?
Post-observation calibrations
Application of fixed calibrations, data editing, etc
closure amplitudes and phases

Some FASR Calibration Requirements
Requirements need to be science-driven
(rough estimates -- to be used as ‘talking points’ only)
Absolute flux scale
Relative flux vs frequency
~1% for nearby frequencies
~3% for frequencies separated by an octave
Absolute locations
~1 arcsecond at 20 GHz
eases to ~1 arcmin at 100 MHz

Decimetric Calibration
A different problem than at microwave frequencies
Absolute flux scale is less important
More reliance on system phase stability
Reliance on self-calibration
Location accuracy limited by ionosphere
Colocated LOFAR could help with absolute locations

Microwave phase calibration - generalities
Baseline redundancy
May be useful
By itself, cannot meet requirements
Conventional approach
Reasonable, but not heroic measures to stabilize system phase
Add 1 or 2 large antennas for non-solar calibrations
Interrupt solar observations every hour or two to recalibrate
Comments on conventional approach
Cost of large antennas is equivalent to many small antennas
Interruptions degrade solar science

Some FASR - Specific Considerations
Large number of small antennas has sensitivity comparable to a moderate sized antenna.  (Calibrator sensitivity ~ n * A)
Wide bandwidth (Calibrator sensitivity ~ ÖBW)
Even with large antennas, must rely heavily on self-calibration to achieve dynamic range goals.
Will almost always have compact solar sources in FOV
Frequency-dependence of phase variations with time can be simply parameterized (eg  terms that scale with f and f^-2.)
Lots of time available for daily pre- and post-observation calibration
Frequency coverage suggests that communications satellites might be useful as secondary calibrators.

An Extreme Phase Calibration Scenario
Overnight calibrator observations used to update locations and motions of selected communications satellites
Overnight calibrations used as starting point for full-disk mapping and establishment of positions of dominant solar compact sources
Solar self-calibration used to refine antenna phases
Will gradually increase uncertainty in location of solar sources.
Periodically, a small subset of antennas briefly observe a pre-located communications satellite.  (Preserves continuity of solar coverage.)
Returning subset is used to update absolute locations of compact solar sources.
At end of day, long calibration on phase calibrator to confirm inferred antenna phases and compact source locations.