•Spectral variation in soft—hard—hard
•Asymmetric radio sources w.r.t. the magnetic loop
•Magnetic trapping
•Coulomb collisions
•Weak pitch-angle diffusion
The next one is
a counter example to the previous one. The one was strong diffusion case,
here is an example which we identified with a weak diffusion case. First of
all the morphology of radio w,r,t, the magnetic field was asymmetric,
Suggesting a
case of weak diffusion. Note the right foot-point has strong magnetic field
than the other.Second, the spectral
hardening in the decay phase. If acceleration dominated, usually
soft-hard-soft. That it it keeps hardening throughout the decay could mean
that the electron dynamics were modulated by Coulomb collisions, as one
possibility. This could be a weak pitch angle diffusion and in contrast with
the previous example, which was found to be a strong diffusion.