2023 December
Revision as of 17:11, 4 December 2023 by CaiusSelhorst (talk | contribs)
December 01
Observer on duty: Caius Selhorst
Start Time (UT) | Duration (min) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
23:36 | 79.3 | 1-9, 11-12 | Reference calibration successful; written to SQL (14:00 UT). |
17:14 | 15.7 | 1-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12 | Phase calibration successful; written to SQL. |
Start Time (UT) | End Time (UT) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
00:00 | 23:59 | 10 | FEM Rabbit board not online (FEM in lab) |
00:00 | 23:59 | 13 | On Saturday, Nov 11 at 23:50 UT, The Ant13 shed was broken into and the cable from the solar cell batteries to the inverter was cut. Ant13 will remain off line until a replacement cable can be purchased. |
Solar activity is moderate.
December 02
Observer on duty: Caius Selhorst
Start Time (UT) | Duration (min) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
23:35 | 79.2 | 1-9, 11-12 | Reference calibration successful; written to SQL (14:00 UT). |
17:14 | 15.6 | 1-9, 11-12 | Phase calibration successful; written to SQL. |
Start Time (UT) | End Time (UT) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
00:00 | 23:59 | 10 | FEM Rabbit board not online (FEM in lab) |
00:00 | 23:59 | 13 | On Saturday, Nov 11 at 23:50 UT, The Ant13 shed was broken into and the cable from the solar cell batteries to the inverter was cut. Ant13 will remain off line until a replacement cable can be purchased. |
Solar activity is moderate.
December 03
Observer on duty: Caius Selhorst
Start Time (UT) | Duration (min) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
23:35 | 79.4 | 1-9, 11-12 | Reference calibration successful; written to SQL (14:00 UT). |
22:27 | 15.7 | 1-9, 11-12 | Phase calibration successful; written to SQL. |
Start Time (UT) | End Time (UT) | Antenna(s) | Comments/Reasons |
00:00 | 23:59 | 10 | FEM Rabbit board not online (FEM in lab) |
00:00 | 23:59 | 13 | On Saturday, Nov 11 at 23:50 UT, The Ant13 shed was broken into and the cable from the solar cell batteries to the inverter was cut. Ant13 will remain off line until a replacement cable can be purchased. |
Solar activity is moderate.