2017 April
Apr 01
23:50 UT We had some nice solar activity (M4 flare) around 21:50 UT. I am taking some calibration data (3C84, pcal.fsq) starting around 00:20 UT, and hope that we can do some imaging of this event. The wind has been high for two straight days, but has finally subsided for the first time, to enable the calibration.
Apr 02
11:04 UT The system took data on 3C273 and 3C286 all night, using pcal.fsq and 30-min scans. The data look very nice, but I am not happy with the oscillations I saw in yesterday's solar data, which I suspect may be due to an unsynchronized correlator clock. Therefore, I rebooted the ROACHes (Kjell connected the 10 MHz reference to the signal generator on Friday), in the hopes that it will perform better in the long-term. I am now taking data on 3C286 with 3bands.fsq, with which to determine and correct delay changes due to the reboot. There was another M flare overnight, so more activity may be present today.