Caius' Notes
EOVSA flare spectrograms
Checking the possible EOVSA
Verify the possible flares on the daily EOVSA Solar Dynamic Spectrogram, for example:
In this example, we are going to analyze the M8.2 flare that happened after 16:00 UT.
For a better flare time precision, a Dynamic spectrogram with short time range at:
Since 2024-May-05, the Real Time Flare detection figure and its list are also available:
Using Python 3.8
Login into pipeline machine as user:
ssh -X user@pipeline
Verify the antennas that were working at the day, e.g. more /dppdata1/TPCAL/LOG/TPCyyyymmdd.log
Create the flare directory at /data1/dgary/solar/, e.g:
mkdir 20240507_M8flare cd 20240507_M8flare
Load the Python 3.8 environment:
bash loadpyenv3.8 ipython --pylab